Monday, November 27, 2006

Donelson, Tennessee

From Nashville’s of November 26 2006
Clerk Fires Back

An attempted robbery at a Donelson store left one suspect dead and another in critical condition.

Police tell us the two men walked into the Smoke Depot on Stewarts Ferry Pike armed with guns. They began to pistol whip the store owner who was behind the counter.

One of the suspects dropped the gun and the store owner was able to pick it up.

The store owner and the other suspect exhanged gunfire. Both suspects where hit but the store owner was not. One of the suspects, Sheldon Hope, died from his injuries. The other suspect is at Vanderbilt Medical Center in critical condition.

The 40 year old owner of the shop has a pretty bad gash in the back of the head, and several scrapes and bruises, but he's expected to be OK.

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