Wednesday, December 13, 2006

Tanner Williams, Alabama

From Mobile’s of December 13, 2006
Country Store Robbery

Gun fire ends a Thursday morning store theft and it was the store owner doing the shooting. It happened at the “Country Store” in Tanner Williams. Carlton Shumock shot at two men as they drove away with three hundred dollars of his money. Mobile sheriff deputies have charged Jacob Phillips and Rex Gorham with theft of property. The owner says he heard a cashier yell and that’s when he sprang into action. “I didn't know what to think.

All I knew was I took off after him. And I knew he got the money because she said he had. He run out and jumped in the pickup out here. I hollered halt or I'll shoot, he didn't halt and I shot." Said Carlton Shumock, owner of “The Country Store.” Mobile sheriff deputies caught up and arrested the two suspects about a mile from the store. A large portion of the money was recovered.

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